Cyber recovery experts

Give your organisation the tools and capabilities to ensure business continuity and survival in a post-attack scenario.

Triangle cyber recovery is a true last-line data protection enterprise solution, that physically isolates and safeguards copies of your critical data away from attack surfaces, enabling a safe and controlled recovery process with full data integrity.

Triangle cyber recovery is a true last-line data protection solution

Our cyber recovery solutions & services

Cyber Vault

Improve data security through physical isolation and protection from increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks. Cyber vault places immutable copies of your critical data in a secure repository away from all attack surfaces used to access your data. This vault is located away from your core network ensuring full data integrity for your recovery.

Cyber vault technology:

  • Dell Cyber Vault

Clean Room

Test and validate your business data before starting the recovery process. We use Dell’s Clean Room technology to deliver a physically and logically separate space where data and applications can be evaluated to make sure they are ‘clean’ before being restored to your digital infrastructure. Facilitate live recovery processes that ensure full data integrity for your assets.

Clean room technology:

  • Dell Clean Room

Data Forensics

Leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other forensic tools to stay ahead of rapidly evolving cyber threats. Our cyber recovery solutions deploy intelligent forensic technologies with the cyber vault to detect and diagnose possible threats in your digital assets, accelerating data recovery and mitigating the risk of a compromised infrastructure.

Data forensics technology:

  • Dell PowerProtect Cyber Recovery with CyberSense
  • Index Engines CyberSense 

CR managed services

Triangle managed cyber recovery services provide an effective way to protect essential data and stay compliant. Continual checks assure operational and data validity, while regular testing provides auditable proof of compliance. In the event of a cyber attack, our team will recover your assets securely with full data integrity, ensuring business continuity.

CR managed services including:

  • Cyber Recovery Assessment
  • Cyber Vault Managed Service
  • Cyber Recovery Deployment
Download our cyber recovery brochure

Deploying a cyber recovery solution & managed service for a large European regulated enterprise

Triangle delivered a robust cyber recovery solution, including a Cyber Vault and Clean Room to enable the recovery of a regulated customers critical business data. The project has since transitioned to a comprehensive managed service provided by Triangle cyber recovery experts.

"A cyber attack on an enterprise organisation will create a huge amount of disruption. The company’s reputation is on the line, which is why these organisations make such a significant investment into cyber protection. But no amount of security can guarantee protection against bad actors, so the question becomes: what sort of mitigation do you have when your system is eventually breached?”

Padhraic Maguire

Director of Technology, Triangle


Data recovery for the new post-attack reality

Listen to Padhraic Maguire, Director of Technology at Triangle, discuss the importance of cyber recovery solutions in the face of increasingly severe cyber attacks. It's no longer only about business resilience, it's about business survival. Click on the video below to learn more about the evolving landscape of cyber recovery.

Download Triangle's
cyber recovery ebook

Discover how to safeguard your business with Triangle’s cyber recovery ebook: 'Data recovery for the new post-attack reality.' Learn proactive strategies to protect your critical data, recover swiftly from cyber breaches, and ensure business continuity in today’s evolving threat landscape.

Download our cyber recovery ebook

Cyber recovery services for continuous operations

Ensuring the integrity of your infrastructure is not just a matter of good practice. It’s the bedrock of business security, continuity and advantage. Our cyber recovery experts will manage all your cyber recovery needs, removing the burden of proving compliance. With physically isolated and immutable data and regular testing, our team assures a safe, controlled recovery process in the event of attack.

The benefits of managed cyber recovery

Cyber recovery designed for today’s post-attack reality

Give your organisation the tools to ensure business continuity and survival in a post-attack scenario. Triangle cyber recovery is a true last-line data recovery solution that physically isolates and safeguards immutable copies of your critical data away from attack surfaces.

More about our cyber recovery offering

Triangle's cyber recovery insights

Over the years, we’ve worked closely with IT business leaders who face the challenge of building resilient infrastructures capable of withstanding and recovering from cyber threats. At Triangle, we are committed to enabling organisations to adapt to an evolving threat landscape while safeguarding their critical data and systems. Explore our latest insights, strategies, and thought leadership on cyber recovery below.

Discover more cyber recovery insights
Ensuring business continuity with Cyber Recovery Services | Triangle

Why cyber recovery managed services are critical to ensuring business continuity

Faced with the imminent threat of a successful cyber breach, businesses must have a plan in place to quickly and safely recover their services and workloads with full data integrity.

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Michelle Harris - Director of Cyber Recovery & International Growth at Triangle

Why every organisation needs a cyber recovery plan

Cyber recovery plans are essential for businesses to withstand IT breaches, focusing on isolated backups and data integrity.

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Why cyber recovery? | Triangle's Cyber Recovery video series

Cyber recovery video series: Why cyber recovery?

Introducing Triangle's cyber recovery video series In this first video of Triangle’s Cyber Recovery Series, Padhraic Maguire, Director of Technology, discusses why cyber recovery is an essential strategy for modern businesses. Drawing on years of expertise in ...

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6 key design principles of cyber recovery | Triangle's CR video series

Cyber recovery video series: The 6 key design principles of cyber recovery

In our second video of Triangle’s cyber recovery series, Padhraic Maguire, Director of Technology, walks us through the critical design principles that form the backbone of a resilient cyber recovery strategy. With cyber threats becoming increasingly ...

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What happens when a cyber breach occurs? | Triangle's CR video series

Cyber recovery video series: What happens when a cyber breach occurs?

In the third video of Triangle’s cyber recovery series, Padhraic Maguire, Director of Technology, provides a practical and insightful breakdown of what organisations can expect during a cyber breach. With years of experience in enterprise IT infrastructure ...

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